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Maize drilling

As we head into Spring, and seed arrives on farm, maize drilling seems to be approaching quickly.

Mid-April is traditionally when maize drilling commences, however there is now more focus on drilling to the right conditions than the calendar date. The soil needs to be at a consistent 8° before drilling should begin. Maize sown late but into the right conditions, is often not far behind an early sown crop into cold soils.

Normally, drilling should have been completed by the end of May to allow for a harvest in good time, without impacting the following crop. Growing under plastic, the drilling time can be brought forward, as the soil only needs to get to 6° consistently.

A standard rate of 110,000 seeds per ha is often used, but this can be adapted to suit the individual conditions or variety choice. Sowing rates should be decreased if it is a later sowing as the wider spaced plants will mature quicker. Increase the sowing rate for an early sowing or a site with good growing conditions. However, increasing the rate can have a detrimental effect on starch levels and pose a risk of lodging. 

This year, Korit is again the main bird repellent seed dressing. This requires the user to read the label carefully as it comes with some risks – correct PPE must be worn. Please ensure that contractors or anyone handling the maize seed bags have taken this into consideration.

Seed bed conditions are also key to getting the maize crop off to a good start. Ensuring there is no compaction under the seed, means that there is a better chance of good root establishment, leading to a stronger healthier plant. Subsoiling is a vital tool to minimise this, where ploughing alone may not lift compaction sufficiently. 

The other important elements to a good establishment are the plants nutrient requirements. This can either be organic via FYM or DAP down the spout. Applying the much-needed phosphate directly to the seed. Contact our Fertiliser desk for more information.