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Fertiliser market update - 19th August


We are starting to see the effects of a potential no deal Brexit with Yara increasing their November terms by 6.5%, showing an increase of £15 to £19 on their N & NS range.

This emphasises the advantage of buying fertiliser at the current lower Aug/Oct options currently available.


With the new increase of the forward price of Yara AN at @ 78p/kg of N, you can save @ 10p/kg N using Urea Plus Protected by Limus®, it gives the same yield as AN or better with the advantage of 25% less volume to handle. You can find out more about Limus on our dedicated page.


With higher yields being reported for both Barley & Wheat, please ensure you have considered the higher off-take of P & K. As with all products, please ensure to book your PK requirements before further price increases.

OSR Establishment

It is essential to get OSR to a good start, using Phosphate plus which is DAP based with Polysulphate increases the chance of quick establishment over DAP alone. The CaO promotes rapid fibrous root growth and the SO3 releases over 50 days for better assimilation of Nitrogen. It can be applied by broadcasting to the seedbed or down the pipe of the drill at a rate of 125kg to 150 kg per Ha.